Lunar Titans OrbitalPort Space Station (Lunar TOPSS)

From 2029, the initial modules of the Lunar Titans OrbitalPort Space Station will float in the Moon's low orbit.

By 2031, Titans Space's end-to-end space transportation systems will enable large scale transportation of humans and cargo from Earth to the Moon, and vice versa.

Titans Space Industries is reimagining space travel and (scientific) research.

For Lunar Tourism & R&D

~ 1
~ 0
private labs
guest suites

Work and Research in Zero Gravity

The Lunar Titans OrbitalPort Space Station is part of Titans Space's space transportation and orbital infrastructure.

Titans Space's OrbitalPorts are the largest planned space stations, purposed to become the primary destination for zero gravity research and development, with a focus on both scientific and commercial purposes.

Manufacturing and assembly of the Lunar OrbitalPort parts on Earth starts in 2025, on-orbit construction starts in 2028. From 2029, the initial modules of the Lunar Titans OrbitalPort Space Station will float in the Moon's low orbit.

By 2031, Titans Space's end-to-end space transportation systems will enable large scale transportation of humans and cargo from Earth to the Moon, and vice versa.
Titans Space's LEO and lunar infrastructure enable virtually unlimited transportation of humans and cargo from Earth to the Moon, and vice versa.

This will revolutionize space travel, space exploration, and space commerce.

Titans Space's space infrastructure will eventually encompass spaceplanes and a space station (for LEO), Spaceships (cislunar) and a lunar space station, and Lunar Transporters.

Lunar Flight Plan - From Earth to the Moon and Back

Frequent flights from 2031 Onwards

Titans Space's LEO and Lunar infrastructure enable virtually unlimited transportation of humans and cargo from Earth to the Moon, and vice versa.

This will revolutionize space travel, space exploration, and space commerce.

Titans Space's space infrastructure will eventually encompass spaceplanes and a space station (for LEO), Deep-Spaceships (cislunar) and a lunar space station, and Lunar Yacht (bellylander).
Earth Escape and Lunar Trajectory
✓ Titans Spaceplane transports astronauts from air/spaceport to the LEO Titans OrbitalPort Space Station (LEO TOPSS).
✓ Spaceplane docks with LEO TOPSS.
✓ Astronauts transfer from spaceplane to LEO TOPSS.
✓ Astronauts transfer from LEO TOPSS to Orbital Transporter.
✓ Orbital Transporter conducts a translunar injection (TLI) maneuver that precisely targets a specific velocity and direction, initiating a trajectory towards the lunar sphere (of influence).
Lunar Orbital Rendezvous
✓ After approximately three days, as the Orbital Transporter nears the moon, another crucial maneuver, a Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI), will be executed. This delicate burn will gently lower the Orbital Transporter's speed, allowing it to remain into a Lunar orbit, a critical staging point.
✓ The Orbital Transporter docks with the Lunar Titans OrbitalPort Space Station (Lunar TOPSS).
Lunar Descent and Ascent
✓ Astronauts transfer from the Lunar TOPSS to the Lunar Transporter ✓ The Lunar Transporter separates from the Lunar TOPSS and embarks on its powered descent to the Lunar surface. This intricate descent involves gentle maneuvers and precise engine burns to ensure a safe and controlled touchdown.
✓ Lunar Transporter lands on pad near Lunar habitat.
✓ Astronauts transfer from Lunar Transporter to habitat.
✓ After a predetermined stay, astronauts transfer back from the habitat to the Lunar Transporter.
✓ The takeoff maneuver requires precisely calculated thrust and trajectory adjustments to achieve rendezvous and docking with the Lunar TOPSS.
✓ Astronauts transfer from Lunar TOPSS to Orbital Transporter.
Earthbound Homecoming
✓ Orbital Transporter undocks from Lunar TOPSS in a Trans-Earth Injection (TEI) burn, propelling it out of Lunar orbit and onto a trajectory back towards Earth.
✓ Orbital Transporter deploys Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (HIAD) as it approaches Earth.
✓ Orbital Transporter skims upper atmosphere to slow down from Lunar return velocity to LEO speed (24,000 mph down to 17,500 mph).
✓ After achieving stable LEO, the Orbital Transporter detaches the HIAD, then docks with LEO TOPSS.
✓ Astronauts transfer from Orbital Transporter to LEO TOPSS.
✓ Shortly after, astronauts transfer from LEO TOPSS to Titans Spaceplane.
✓ Spaceplane returns astronauts to Earth.

There is Enough Space

Titans Space's objective is to practically always expand the Lunar settlement in a modular fashion.

Ultimately, in the coming decades, thousands of guests (from tourists to scientists) will be accommodated at Titania Lunar.

Titans Spaceplanes

Titans Spaceships/Orbital Transporters

Lunar Yacht Transporter

LEO OrbitalPort Space Station

Titania Lunar Industries is part of the Titania Lunar Colony, a large settlement that will provide essential goods and services on-site, including but not limited to infrastructure and machines.

Titania Lunar: a shining city on the Moon

In general terms, Titania Lunar will accommodate and facilitate everything one expects in terms of running a city and making life easier and comfortable in a very difficult environment.
Providing a comfortable environment
While other moon bases may be focused on the bare basics, their personnel and visitors can get access to Titania Lunar facilities and services upon agreement or special request.
Becoming the primary commercial hub in Space
Titania Lunar is set up to become a main player and major force in space, to be the go-to place for virtually everything and anything space travelers and space visitors need.
Cooperation beyond the Outer Space Treaty
Titania Lunar's setup is to avoid the Moon from becoming a space version of the Wild West. Titania Lunar will work with the UN and NATO etc., as well as with all international space agencies and entities such as the USA's Space Force. 
A Lunar settlement
Titania Lunar aims to become the Switzerland of Space. A neutral, objective city-state that aims to benefit all nations and humanity, in space and on Earth, present, and future.

All Titans Space activities and projects, including Titania Lunar, will be regulated with the limitations and opportunities of the Outer Space Treaty as its primary guidance.

Titania Lunar: Preliminary planning

Phase 1: by 2031
A: Location: this location will have its own landing pads, spread far apart from each other.
B: ISRU: Near the settement, the initial parts of In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) facilities for mining, refining, producing, manufacturing, etc. will be established.
C: A Lunar Mass Driver of a few miles length will be constructed to send cargo loads to Low-Earth Orbit.
Phase 2: 2032 - 2033
A. On the opposite end of the ISRU facilities, living, working, and leisure quarters will be situated.
B: Initial setup of surface-level part of Titania Lunar Resort, which will also function as temporary living, working, and leisure quarters.
C. Expand the ISRU facilities.
D. Create initial service infrastructure for third parties.
Phase 3: 2034 - 2035
A: Further expand the ISRU facilities.
B: Build living/working/leisure quarters in a crater or lava tube.
C: Build initial part of the underground/crater section of the resort.
D: Expand service infrastructure for third parties.
Phase 4: 2036 - 2037
A: Expand the ISRU facilities to semi-industrial levels.
B: Expand the living/working/leisure quarters.
C: Further expand the resort.
D: Full scale service infrastructure for third parties.
Phase 5: 2037 onwards
A: Fully Expand the ISRU facilities to full-industrial levels.
B: Further expand the living/working/leisure quarters.
C: Fully expand the resort to accommodate thousands of people simultaneously
D: Expand full scale service infrastructure for third parties.
E: Initiate Mars missions with partners.