Titans Space Industries Inc. TSI and Titans Space Development Corporation are independent divisions of Titans Universe. Our respective websites are www.titansu.com and www.titansspace.com.

Our (temporary) office:

Titans Space Industries Inc.

37 North Orange Avenue

Orlando, Florida, 32801

United States of America

+1 321 401-8425

NSL & Co. LLC is a UN Global Compact Participant Company

Our associated firm, NSL & Co. LLC (Titans Universe), is scaling up efforts to advance the Global Goals by committing to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

Business Development Contact Form

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Please provide relevant website address, social media profiles, and/or business profiles.
Write about yourself. Alternatively, please provide a link to your bio or resume. A linkedin profile is also appreciated.
Your interest in Titans Space
Only genuine requests. Please do not contact us with generic service sales, web/app/IT, or network marketing proposals. Non-space industry related contacts will be blacklisted on all our online properties.
Why are you contacting Titans Space? What are you considering that could be of mutual benefit?
Please explain how you envision us working together, in which ways, and in what capacity.
If you've been previously in contact with (some of) the founding team members or staff, please let us know with whom, when, and what the contact was about.
We do not engage in talks without executing a mutual NDA. You can send us your NDA, or we will send you ours once we're convinced that further communication is desired.