LEO Titans Space Hotel

Become an Astronaut

Altitude: ~400 km

Duration: 3-5 Days

16 Sunsets & Sunrises p/d

Despite the media hype surrounding rockets like SpaceX’s Starship, routine , including human space travel, by means of rockets will not reach large numbers, basically due to the inherent risks and limitations of such vehicles.

For large scale space travel and tourism to reach efficiency and safety levels like air travel, the vehicles we use must operate like airplanes.

Titans Spaceplanes are the holy grail of aerospace; they are designed as a revolutionary space transportation system that eliminates the need for expensive launch facilities, vehicle assembly buildings, and (expendable or reusable) all-rocket boosters. 

A Titans Spaceplane can operate from any (partnered) large airport, and it can carry 15 to 330 astronauts or a 90-100 ton payload into any 555-km (300 nmi) orbit; it uses multi-cycle airbreather propulsion to reach the top of the troposphere and then ignites its rocket engines to reach Low-Earth Orbit.

For missions requiring higher orbital altitudes, a kit can be installed in the cargo bay with additional propellant for the OMS engines. 

The Titans Spaceplanes can also function as a first stage for all kinds of missions, from LEO to Deep Space. 

LEO Space Hotel

The initial modules of the LEO Space Hotel will be operational from H2-2027/H1-028 and offer Space tourists the opportunity to vacation for three to five days at ~400 km (248.5 mi) altitude. They will experience 16 sunsets and sunrises every 24 hours!

The full experience for one person costs approximately US$5,000,000, and US$8,000,000 for a double booking.

Titans Astronauts

Titans Astronauts are ultra-high-net-worth individuals who pay Titans Space $25-35 million for a lifetime space travel membership. Their lifetime membership affords them unlimited access to practically all Titans missions and projects.