Titans Engines | Modified Airbreathers | Rocket Engines

Enables Space Transport

Used in Titans Spacecraft

10 A/B Engines per Spaceplane

3 Titans Main Rocket Engines p/plane

4 OMS Engines per Spaceplane

Despite the media hype surrounding rockets like SpaceX’s Starship, routine space transportation, including human space travel, by means of rockets will not reach large numbers, basically due to the inherent risks and limitations of such vehicles.

For large scale space travel and space cargo transport to reach efficiency and safety levels like air travel/air cargo, the vehicles we use must operate like airplanes.

Titans Spaceplanes are the holy grail of aerospace; they are designed as a revolutionary space transportation system that eliminates the need for expensive launch facilities, vehicle assembly buildings, and (expendable or reusable) all-rocket boosters. 

A Titans Spaceplane can operate from any (partnered) large airport, and it can carry up to 330 people or 90-100 ton payload into any 555-km (344 mi) orbit; it uses multi-cycle airbreather propulsion to reach the top of the troposphere and then ignites its rocket engines to reach Low-Earth Orbit. 

For missions requiring higher orbital altitudes, a kit can be installed in the cargo bay with additional propellant for the OMS engines. 


Three Engines Systems

Titans Spaceplanes have three separate engine systems:
  1. Airbreather Propulsion (10 engines) | Modified Off-the-Shelf jet engines
  2. Rocket Propulsion (3 main engines) | Titans Main Rocket Engines TMREs
  3. Orbital Maneuvering System (4 engines)

Airbreather Propulsion

Our airbreather engines are combined cycle system (fanjet/ramjet) designed to get the Titans Spaceplane from takeoff to approximately Mach 4 at approximately 60,000 feet, where the Spaceplane will ignite the Titans Main Rocket Engines (TMREs) and commence the dive maneuver.

Rocket Propulsion

Titans Main Rocket Engines (TMREs) are specifically designed to be an aircraft powerplant, and built for maximum reliability and durability.

At over 1 million lbs thrust a TMRE has twice the thrust of a space shuttle SSME.

When we fire the TMREs, it will be only the second 1-million lbs thrust engine fired, and the first to do it using LOX/hydrogen.

Orbital Maneuvering System

The OMS can be found under the tail fin. The OMS will be used during orbit to circularize the orbit,  adjust orbital altitude, and to deorbit the Spaceplane (enter a descent phase). 

For missions requiring higher orbital altitudes than 555 km, a kit can be installed in the cargo bay with additional propellant for the OMS engines.